Virginia – The Backwards State

January 24, 2008 at 6:54 pm (Uncategorized)

This is funny and tragic at the same time!  Sangria is illegal in Virginia!  Who knew?  Apparently, not many!

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RIP Heath Ledger

January 23, 2008 at 5:34 pm (Uncategorized)

Yesterday after work I was lounging around in bed as I’m still trying to recover from Whatever-the-Hell-I-Have and got a text message from Justin.  “Heath Ledger died, OMG”.  I was watching Around the Horn getting my daily dose of Tony Reali hotness and had to switch to the news.  My heart jumped in my throat – there it was – “Actor Heath Ledger Dies”. 

Heath was the only man who graced my dorm room walls.  I had “A Knight’s Tale” movie poster hanging in my room for two years in college.   Not because I liked the movie or even thought he was good in it.  Nope.  It was because the picture of him was unbelievably, heart stoppingly hot.  His piercing eyes were staring right at you, somewhere between bedroom come-hither and I-Could-Beat-You-Up.  For this woman both turn me on. 

I wish that my interaction with Heath was more than a movie poster.  Although I did talk to him sometimes.  That sounds crazy but girls do that.  I talked to my dog too.  Okay and to my computer.  Usually to yell or curse at it. 

So perhaps I’ll resurrect the movie poster.  I do still have it, somewhere.  I made a joke to the customer services ladies that I was going to bring the poster to work and hang it in my office.  Maybe I will.  If I talk to the poster again, perhaps he’ll actually listen this time. 

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Brady, Brady, Brady

January 21, 2008 at 3:59 pm (Uncategorized)

Brady 1-20-08Thought Thought I would share a picture from yesterday’s game.  He is so amazing.  Wish he had played better.  But the rest of the team stepped up.  And we won!  In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a little excited! 

(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)

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Thought I Wasn’t Going to Write About the Patriots?

January 21, 2008 at 3:44 pm (Uncategorized)

How on earth could I possibly be such a football fan and not have written anything about the Patriots thus far into 2008?  I have no excuse.  My team has done everything a team can do to assure my undying loyalty and devotion as a fan of both football and hot men.  In fact when I was home for Christmas my uncle, mother and I were sitting around the kitchen table playing a game called Loaded Questions where you have to predict what a person would do or be most similar to.  Around the game board you have to write in people’s names and there are spaces for eight names.  What other family but mine would have Tom Brady’s name in there.  If Tom Brady were a tree what kind would he be?  If Tom Brady was a hot dog condiment what kind would he be?  Turns out we knew him better than we knew ourselves.  If Shauna could become famous for one reason what reason would it be?  My own mother didn’t get this right.  And it was multiple choice.  Whatever.

So continuing to praise my team.  We are going to the Superbowl bitches!  I so called it way back during the preseason.  Yeah, go back and look! My parents were at the game!  I was so incredibly jealous!  To have been there Sunday when we won the AFC Championship must have been the event of the year.  So what that it only January 21? 

So Drew is hosting a Superbowl party this year.  Luckily, that means that Justin and I won’t have to host one.  Not that I mind, it is just that I have been sick three times in two months!  WTF?  Trying to rebound from the most recent bout in order to return to the gym.  Three times in 21 days of the new year is pretty pathetic.  How cool was it that someone actually asked Justin and me if we were having a party because our “parties are awesome”?  Yeah that made me feel all warm and fuzzy.  Too bad we aren’t.

For the next two weeks I’m going to bask in the gloriousness that is 18-0.  Read Peter King, watch Around the Horn to watch the talking heads eat their words, and all around enjoy the Giants short-lived glory.  Because Brady is going to have the fourth ring.  Oh yes, boys and girls don’t doubt it for a second.  I think I need to buy a AFC Championship t-shirt.

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January 7, 2008 at 2:50 pm (Uncategorized)

Happy New Year everyone!  My New Year’s Resolution is to blog more.  AND I got a digital camera for Christmas so there will be more pictures to accompany my posts.  Interestingly enough my boss was the one who really made my New Year.  No, it wasn’t a raise.  He bought me a desk for my own personal use at home! 

My employer gets a corporate discount from Staples and they were having a sale as well.  So when I picked out the one I wanted and asked my boss if I could pay the company back he said that he would just pay for it!  A new desk was the one barrier that stopped me from being as productive as I want to be.  It might sound like an excuse but having a space to be creative and spread out is crucial for me.  I didn’t have that.  My father had just spoken to me about this on Tuesday of last week.  I mentioned writing more often was a goal for me in 2008!  And now everything is in place for it to happen! 

Of course there are the usual goals; go to the gym more often, eat a more balanced diet, decide on a Democratic candidate, and attempt to figure out my confusing boyfriend situation.  The first two are rather self-explanatory.  Imagine, I work part-time at a gym just for the free gym membership and I don’t go.  Yeah, I need to fix that.  The food thing – portion control is my challenge.

The latter two however are slightly more challenging.  I find myself torn among the Democratic candidates.  Obama won Iowa.  I don’t really think that Iowa is a good snapshot of the political landscape so perhaps his win doesn’t mean that much.  However, there are so many people influenced by mass media that it could mean a great deal more than it should.  Regardless, I’m not picking a candidate based on popular appeal.  As a woman I find it incredibly difficult not to vote for Hilliary.  This might sound stupid but when I found out that something like 40-45% of women voted for Huckabee, it really scared me.  All of those woman voting away their future rights.  Rights that every woman should grasp to her heart and never let go of.  I know that Hilliary will never back down in her fight for woman’s rights.  Choosing a candidate based on her opinion of only one issue could be considered small-minded.  Luckily, we agree on other issues.  But the one issue would be enough for me.

How can a girl be “dating” someone for 1.5 years and not know?  I still consider myself single.  But there are times we act as if I’m not.  Sometimes I feel like I am.  It has to be the most complicated relationship in the history of relationships.  So for many reasons I won’t elaborate here.  But sorting out a few things regarding him would put my mind at ease. 

So regarding past events… The family portrait process was actually a lot easier than I had imagined.  My parents were not really as high strung as I had imagined or remembered from the previous experience.  I won’t say the picture came out well.  Consider that I am standing on three Styrofoam blocks behind my seated father and my sister still towers over me.  And my non-manicured hand is resting on my dad’s shoulder.  A family portrait should never be taken in winter.  My sister, nephew, and I look like we are sculpted from white marble.  Next time = summer = tan!!!

Christmas was quote memorable in that it was the first year my parents didn’t have a real Christmas tree.  In fact, they didn’t even put a third of the Christmas decorations and ornaments on the tree.  This is completely unacceptable.  The tree fit into a back corner of the den and looked like a Christmas afterthought.  That was really the only thing I could possibly complain about.  Oh, well I could add that I slept on the floor (air mattress) because my uncle and grandmother were in the spare bedrooms.  But I didn’t mind.  It was like camping in my parent’s exercise room!  A quick note: the exercise room used to be my bedroom anyway. 

More about the train ride and the drive back to the city soon.  They are good stories. 

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